
Further Changes in Courses.

At the last Faculty meeting it was announced that English 8b, a course for the second half-year, which was to have been omitted this year, would be given by Dr. C. F. Brown.

It was decided to add the following courses to the curriculum of the Summer School this year: Homer (for teachers); Virgil (for teachers); Classical Archeology (for teachers and students); Anglo-Saxon; Intermediate German (for teachers); Introductory Phonetics (for teachers and students); Dante (for teachers and students); Advanced Spanish (for teachers); Roman, European and American History; Civil Government; Advanced Comparative Psychology; General Principles of Education; Organization and Administration of Schools; History of Education: Theory of Pure Design; Drawing and Painting; Theory of Architectural Design: History of European Architecture to 1000 A.D.; Organic Chemistry; Research Work.
