

This Afternoon at 4 in the Gymnasium.--Chances Favor Dartmouth.

The University basketball team will play Dartmouth in the Gymnasium at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Since the Pennsylvania game last Saturday the University team has shown marked improvement in practice, but the forwards still lack accuracy in shooting baskets. The men cover their opponents well and play with considerable dash, advancing the ball by short swift passes, instead of risking long shots. Dartmouth has a strong team of heavy and experienced players, which, although defeated by Williams, has won a large number of hard games. The defense is especially efficient and the men work together well. The game this afternoon is the fourth of the University team's schedule, and will probably be the closest of those to be played in Cambridge this season. The chances seem slightly to favor Dartmouth.

Admission will be 50 cents. There will be no reserved seats.

Following is the line-up: HARVARD.  DARTMOUTH. Murray, Underwood, r.f.  l.f., Hobart, Morrissey Henderson, l.f.  r.f., Russ Snyder, c.  c., Grebenstein Griffiths, r.g.  l.g., McGrail, Lane Burnham, l.g.  r.g., Rix
