
B. A. A. Meet.

The trials for the two University and the four class relay teams to compete at the Boston Athletic Association meet on February 11 will be held about January 25 on the board track on Holmes Field. Six teams of four men and two substitutes each will be selected. All men who expect to enter the games should apply immediately to Mr. Graham at the Gymnasium to be registered under the Amateur Athletic Union. Entry blanks may be obtained from him. Entries close on January 30.

The hours at which the track squads will report have been changed as follows: runners--3.30 to 4.30 and 4.30 to 5.30; shot-putters and high-jumpers--Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 3.30; pole-vault for beginners--Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 to 12; pole-vault for experienced men--Tuesday and Thursday at 3.30.
