The University hockey team will play the Institute of Technology team on the Stadium rink at 3.30 o'clock this afternoon. The team has been severely handicapped by the loss of Macleod, who is on probation, and of Ivy, who has left College. Although the practice since the Christmas recess has been aggressive and fast, little team work among the forwards has been developed and ability to score against a good defense has not yet been evident. The game this afternoon, however, should not prove hard, as the Technology team is composed entirely of new men and has not played any strong teams in practice.
The line-up will be: Yesterday afternoon in a 40-minute game with the second team, the University team won by a score of 8 to 4. Although the first team scored frequently, there was little consistent team play on the part of the forwards. Wilder, Callaway and Townsend played fairly well together but Pell at left end was slow and did not support the other forwards. The defense of the first team was efficient and the puck was kept, for the most part, in the second team's territory. R. S. Hardy '01 played at left centre on the second team. The line-up: Goals--Townsend 3, Calaway 2, Wilder 2, Pell 1, D. Wagstaff 1, Rumsey 1, Foster 1, Hardy. 1.
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1907 Meeting Tomorrow Evening.