

First and Second Elevens More Evenly Matched.--Cut in Squad Next Week.

The practice of the University football squad yesterday was encouraging. Four new men reported, one of whom was B. deN. Curger '05, left halfback on last year's second eleven. Meier, who has been out of the game the past few days with an injured leg, was on the field again, but did not engage in the scrimmage.

The morning work was shorter than usual and beginning with today there will be but one practice, at 3.30 o'clock. In the afternoon, there was a ten-minute line-up, in which the teams proved to be much more evenly matched than in the exciting scrimmage of Tuesday. Mills was moved from tackle to fullback, and Brill was advanced from the second to the first eleven at left tackle.

The first team kicked off, and Foster, receiving the ball on the 45-yard line, advanced it 20 yards. The first held for downs and Means punted. Nichols circled right end for a gain of 8 yards, but in the next three plays the first team failed to gain its distance and the second took the ball. After two unsuccessful line plays Means punted about 15 yards, the first eleven taking the ball in the centre of the field. Nichols went around right end for 5 yards and Hurley broke through for a 20-yard gain. The ball then went to the second on downs.

Each team was penalized 5 yards for offside play, and Kernan punted 30 yards. Frazer was then substituted for Parker, Oveson took Brill's place, and Sibley went in for Oveson at right tackle on the second. The first was held for downs and time was called with the ball on its opponents' 35-yard line.

After the first and second elevens had left the field, the third and fourth lined up for a 5 minute scrimmage.


The line-up: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Montgomery, l.e.  r.e., Shurtleff Brill, Oveson, l.t.  r.t., Oveson, Sibley Wilder, l.g.  r.g., White Cunniff, c.  c., Parker, Frazer McFadon, r.g.  l.g., Pell Squires, r.t.  l.t., Williams Blagden, r.e.  l.e., Lockwood Noyes, q.b.  q.b., Kernan Hurley, l.h.  r.h., Means Nichols, r.h.  l.h., Foster Mills, f.b.  f.b., Hanley

The following men have been taken to the University training table: Captain Hurley, Squires, Meier, Mills, Montgomery, Noyes, Nesmith, Nichols, Guild, Means, McFadon, Cunniff, Wilder, Parker, Brill and Hanley. The first out in the University squad will come later than usual, in the later part of next week.
