
H-Y-P Club at St. Louis.

The executive committees of the Harvard, Yale, and Princeton alumni clubs of St. Louis and vicinity have recently appointed a sub-committee to consider plans for the organization of a Harvard-Yale-Princeton World's Fair Club. The object of such a club is to provide, at some convenient spot on the grounds of the Exposition, suitable quarters for members of the local alumni clubs as well as for visiting graduates and undergraduates of the three colleges.

Plans for the organization and management of the club, which is to be known as the H--Y--P Club, have been definitely made, and the committee in charge has selected rooms on the second floor of the "Golden Roof" building, one of the mediaeval structures in the "Tyrolean Alps." The rooms are decorated in old German style with highly colored mural figures, to which have been added the flags and coats-of-arms of the three colleges. A dining-room, separate from the public cafe, but served from the same kitchen, will be reserved for members and guests of the club.

The dues have been fixed at $3.00 for the season, and all members of the three local alumni clubs are eligible to join. There will be no charge for visitors, who must, however, be properly introduced by a member. The price of single admission tickets to the "Alps" is 25 cents: monthly admission cards, entitling the holder to an unlimited number of admissions during the month, may be obtained for $2.

The privileges of the club are cordially extended to all Harvard, Yale and Princeton men who visit the Fair.
