The University baseball nine defeated Andover yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field by the score of 3 to 0.
Excellent pitching and poor batting on both sides characterized the game which was on the whole uninteresting. Clarkson allowed only one scratch hit, struck out nine men, and threw out at second the only man to reach that base. He allowed four bases on balls. R.W. Brown, who pitched for Andover, struck out seven men, gave only three bases on balls and allowed only six hits, not more than two of which were in any one inning. Although the inability of the University team to hit a school pitcher was somewhat discouraging, the team seemed to have regained the steadiness and speed in the field which were in evidence in the Pennsylvania and Georgetown games and so notably lacking in the Princeton and Bowdoin games. The men threw accurately, and executed very well the two double plays.
Andover played a strong game in the field, and made several brilliant plays, such as Murphy's catch of Stephenson's long fly to centre field, which largely compensated for the three errors.
The University team scored its runs in the second and fifth innings. In the second, after two men were out, Randall was given his base and Carr scored him with a home run. In the fifth inning McCarty hit to short left field, stole second and scored on Reilly's error in handling Greenough's grounder.
The summary: Earned runs--Harvard 1. Home run--Carr. Two-base hit -- Stephenson. Struck out--by Clarkson: R.C. Brown 2. R.W. Brown 2, Murphy 2, Dillon, Cushman, Reilly: by Brown: Fischel 3. Greenough 2, Stephenson, McCarty. Bases on balls-by Clarkson: Schildmiller 3. Cushman 1; by Brown: Randall 2, Carr. Stolen base--McCarty. Left on bases--Harvard 6, Andover 2. Double plays--Randall to Matthews, Kernan to Matthews to Randall, Kinney to Clough. Time--1 h. 50 m. Umpire--A. Clarkson.
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