
Interscholastic Track Meet.

The nineteenth annual track meet of the New England Interscholastic Athletic Association will be held under the auspices of the University track team on Soldiers Field today at 2 o'clock. The meet should prove interesting as there are nearly 150 entries from the following 16 schools: Exeter, Andover, Worcester Academy, Springfield High, Noble and Greenough, Dorchester High, English High, Lowell High, Boston College Preparatory, Stone's Schools, Dedham High, Lawrence High, Weymouth High, Mechanics Arts, Brookline High and Rindge Manual Training School. The chances of victory seem to favor the Exeter Academy team which defeated Andover in a dual meet last Saturday by 62 2-3 to 32 1-3 points. New interscholastic records will probably be made by Annin of Exeter, in the 100-yard dash, by Bullock of Andover, in the 220-yard hurdles, and by O'Connell of Dedham High, in the mile run.

A reception will be held in the Union after the meet and medals awarded to the place winners as follows: a gold medal for first place, a silver medal for second and a bronze medal for third place. The winning school will obtain temporary possession of the permanent cup given by. Harvard undergraduates. A cup is also offered by the Boston Athletic Association.

The officials are as follows: referee--W. F. Garcelon '95; starter--C. H. Schweppe '02; timer, F. Wood, B. A. A.; marshals--E. C. Rust '04, P. Dana '04, W. A. Schick '05: judges at finish--F. W. Bird '04, E. J. Dives '06, A. Peterson '04, F. S. Buffum '04; field judges--C. H. Rob inson '04, H. Le Moyne '07, F. M. Murphy 1L., R. H. Oveson '05, R. B. Gring '05, A. Goodhue '04; clerk of course--R. E. Sard '05; assistant clerks of course--J. S. Stone '05, D. Howe '06; measurers--F. F. de Rham '05, M. G. Perkins '06, A. S. Cobb '07, J. M. Rothwell '05, E. L. Young '06, J. Johnson '04; inspectors--A. King 1L., W. A. Colwell 3G., J. H. Hall 1G., L. Grilk '04; announcers--J. H. Stone '04, R. Robeson '06; scorers--A. C. Travis '05, J. C. Parrish '07
