
Freshman Nine Defeated Sophomores

In the first game of the interclass baseball series, the Freshmen defeated the Sophomores yesterday afternoon by a score of 21 to 4. The game was slow and uninteresting as the Sophomore team had had only one day's practice and was weak in the box.

During the first seven innings the Freshmen played well and took full advantage of their opponents' weakness. Their hits were timely and well-placed, and their fielding fast and accurate. Towards the end of the game, however, their playing became very listless, and carelessness and lack of headwork in base-running lost several runs.

Greene pitched a creditable game and had good control of the ball until the last inning, when he became unsteady with men on bases. Sullivan gave him weak support at catch, and threw to bases poorly. Russell at second base, and Mahar at shortstop, both played their usual strong gome.

The score: Innings,  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Freshmen,  1  2  5  3  1  2  0  4  3--21 Sophomores,  1  0  0  0  2  0  0  1--4
