Abbott, H., law.
Acosta, R.M. de, law.
Adams, A.K., teaching.
Adams, G.P., teaching.
Adams, H.L., engineering.
Adams, J.W., law.
Adams, M.P., teaching.
Alexander, R.R., law.
Andrews, C.E., Jr., lumber business.
Arensberg, F.L., steel manufacturing.
Atwood, I.M., business or Scientific School.
Auten, E., Jr., banking.
Bacon, J., farming.
Badt, W., Law School.
Baer, W.G., undecided.
Bailey, C.P., railroading.
Bailey, P.L., mining.
Baird, A.V., law.
Baker, E.W., law.
Ball, E.H., art.
Ballantine, A.A., Law School.
Ballard, H.H., Jr., law.
Barber, R.F., teaching.
Barbey, P.L., mining engineer.
Barnes, C., railroading.
Baron, M., ministry.
Barr, W.G., law.
Barry, E.A., business.
Barstow, F.V., law.
Bartlett, H., brokerage.
Battelle, T.P., brokerage.
Batten, R.M., Scientific School.
Bauer, F.R., mechanical engineering.
Beal, T.P., Jr., banking.
Beals, E.H., law.
Belcher, A.W., undecided.
Belding, A.W., teaching.
Bell, E., undecided.
Bell, W.H.L., Law School.
Bellamy, J.B., wholesale dry goods.
Bennett, A.L., teaching and music.
Bennett, H., Law School.
Bennett, H.H., undecided.
Benning, I.L., literature.
Benson, E.F., teaching.
Bergson, H., law.
Bernstein, H.S., Medical School.
Bernstein, L.T., manufacturer of children's dresses.
Berry, S.A., law.
Bertolet, W.M., law.
Bickley, L.W., electrical engineering.
Birckley, J.J., law.
Bird, F.W., law.
Blagden, W.P., architecture.
Blanchard, A.F., undecided.
Blodgett, J.H., undecided.
Blossom, C.W., undecided.
Bodfish, C.S., manufacturing.
Bonner, R.W., law.
Bourne, R.C., iron and steel business.
Bourne, R.W., law.
Bowie, W.R., undecided.
Boyadjieff, K.I., law.
Bradley, C.B., Law School.
Bradley, L., undecided.
Bramwell, G.A., telephone business.
Brandyce, H.D., naval architecture.
Brannan, W.E., law.
Brennan, T., law.
Bridgman, P.W., Graduate School.
Brinsmade, F.G., teaching.
Brodeur, E.R., law.
Brooks, L., undecided.
Brown, F., railroading.
Brown, H.L., law.
Bryant, O., medicine.
Buffum, F.S., business.
Bullard, L.P., banking.
Burgess, J.A., undecided.
Burnham, E.L., will study civil engineering.
Bush, S.T., teaching.
Callaway, S.T., locomotive and machine business.
Cannon, G.C., automobile business.
Carlton, L.F., railroading.
Carpenter, L., undecided.
Carr, L.P., law.
Carr, P., manufacturing.
Carroll, M.D., teaching.
Chadwick, E.G., mercantile business.
Chapin, H.C., chemistry.
Chapman, I.T., coaching.
Chard, W.G., will study at Columbia University.
Chase, W.H., study music.
Chudoba, F.A., banking.
Clark, J.N., Law School.
Clark, T.R., oil production.
Clarke, G.H., undecided.
Clothier, W.J., banking and brokerage.
Cobb, H.I., Jr., will study architecture.
Cobb, L., lumber business.
Cogswell, W.G., law.
Cohen, S.N., teaching.
Cole, E.P., business.
Cole, G.E., Law School.
Collings, G.B., undecided.
Cook, S.E., civil engineering.
Cook, W.B., civil engineering.
Cook, W.H., railroading.
Copeland, M., Graduate School.
Counihan, E.A., law.
Crane, R.T., 3rd, business.
Crosbie, L.M., teaching.
Cruger, B. deN., business.
Cunningham, G.C., undecided.
Damon, A.H., law.
Dana, P., undecided.
Daniels, J., will study economics.
Daniels, R.H., undecided.
Danielson, W., electrical engineering.
Davenport, J.C., electrical engineering.
Davidson, H.C., business.
Davis, C.L., teaching.
Davis, L., undecided.
Davis, W.C., teaching.
Demoss, E.C., law.
De Wolfe, J.M., Law School.
Dodge, C.G., brokerage or railroading.
Dodge, L.G., undecided.
Doe, A.P., teaching.
Dolley, G.C., teaching.
Donald, G. wool-business.
Doyle, L.C., law.
Drinkwater, W., undecided.
Dudley, J.C., electrical engineering.
Dunbar, D.T., undecided.
Durfee, E.N., medicine.
Durfee, W.C., undecided.
Eaton, H.T., paper manufacturing.
Edwards, D.G., civil engineering.
Edwards, D.M., Jr., will study architecture.
Edwards, M.A., banking.
Egan, J.B., teaching.
Egan, W.B., banking.
Eldridge, H.P., Jr., law.
Ellison, G.R., law.
Ely. F.B., metallurgy.
Estabrook, A.D., undecided.
Estes, P.S., undecided.
Evans, H.,U.S. Army.
Ewing, A.H., ministry.
Fairchild, G., undecided.
Farnum, W.W., chemistry.
Fuss, G.J., foundry business.
Feld, N., brokerage.
Fenno, S.W., teaching.
Ferber, M., undecided.
Ferry, R.P., business.
Ficke, A.D., law.
Field, E., Law School.
Fischel, E., steel manufacturing.
Fisher, C.H., electrical engineering.
Fisher, H.W., business.
Fisher, J.C., teaching.
Fisher, W.W., mercantile business.
Fitzpatrick, T.M., wholesale dry goods.
Fliegelman, M.D., medicine.
Fobes, F.H., teaching.
Forbes, A., Graduate School.
Fosdick, C., undecided.
Fosdick, P., Standard Oil Co.
Foster, R., teaching.
Fox, M.G., chemistry.
French, J.R.P., teaching.
Frost, C.H., law.
Frost, G.D., law.
Frye, I.G., business.
Fuller, R.G., law.
Furman, E.H., undecided.
Furness, D.L., electrical engineering.
Gadsby, J.F., law.
Gallagher, W.W., teaching.
Gano, J.V., law.
Gardiner, R.H., Law School.
Gardner, J.E., naval architecture.
Garfield, C.A., civil engineering.
Garrett, J., mining engineering.
Gibson, K.H., piano business.
Gilman, C., undecided.
Gilman, S.J., law.
Goldsmith, M.R., business.
Goodhue, A., undecided.
Gordon, G., school supervisor.
Gourlay, L., marine insurance.
Grainger, W., ministry.
Granger, L.D., metallurgy.
Grant, W.P., teaching.
Graves, J.R., business.
Gray, W.A., publishing business.
Green, W.A., law.
Greenwood, B.W., banking.
Greenwood, C.E., business.
Grilk, L., law.
Griffin, D.L., business.
Griffin, R.C., will study chemistry.
Grigg, F.W., undecided.
Gunn, S., teaching.
Hackett, L.A., engineering.
Hague, W., mining engineering.
Hale, H.M., civil engineering.
Hall, E.O., teaching.
Hall, F.M., law.
Hall, W.M., law.
Hallett, R.H., law.
Hambleton, C.J., real estate business.
Hamill, C.P., law.
Hamilton, W., railroading.
Hamlen, J.R., cooperage business.
Hamill, C.P., law.
Hamilton, W., railroading.
Hamlen, J.R., cooperage business.
Hammond, H.W., banking.
Hanford, P., law.
Hardenbergh, H., chemistry.
Harman, W.P., undecided.
Harris, C.W., undecided.
Harris, E.E., teaching.
Harrison, E.S., engineering.
Hart, M.K., boiler business.
Hawes, C.T., undecided.
Hayes, L.B., Law School.
Hazard, J.H., teaching.
Hazeltine, W., actor.
Heath, F.E., ministry.
Heizmann, W.A., hardware manufacturing.
Hellburn, J.W., journalism.
Henderson, J.C., cadet at the U.S. Military Academy.
Henshaw, R.T., undecided.
Hersey, H.W., Medical School.
Hickey, C.H., teaching.
Higbee, J.A., street railroading.
Higgins, A., banking.
Higgins, H.B., undecided.
Hill, L., law.
Hill, L.S., Jr., law.
Hill, W.N., U.S. Navy.
Hilton, H. LeG., civil engineering.
Hoe, A.J., printing press manufacturing.
Holdsworth, F., Forestry.
Hoguet, J.P., will study medicine.
Hollins, H.B., Jr., study.
Holman, C.R., undecided.
Holt, R.T., Law School.
Holwill, C.U., Customs Service of China.
Horne, J.B., teaching.
Horkheimer, B.S., will study law.
Houston, G.D., teaching.
Howard, J.R., organized philanthropy.
Howe, C.H., undecided.
Howe, T.D., wheel manufacturing.
Howland, S.W., law.
Hubbard, F.M., undecided.
Hughes, J.M., business.
Hull, R.M., undecided.
Hunt, A., law.
Hunt, M., leather business.
Hunter, J.M., will study at the Episcopal Theological Seminary, New York City.
Hunting, D.M., undecided.
Huntress, F.B., salesman.
Hurd, W.M., undecided.
Huse, C.P., teaching.
Hutchinson, J.B., will study music.
Hutchinson, H.S., will study medicine.
Ingalls, F., Law School.
Ingram, H.C., architecture.
Ivy, M.H., law.
Jackson, J.K., will teach English.
Johnson, E.C., bakers supply business.
Johnson, G., mechanical engineering.
Johnson, J.G., business.
Johnson, W. McA., research metallurgy.
Johnston, F.W., undecided.
Jones, A.W., undecided.
Jones, H.M., chemistry.
Jones, J.T., civil engineering.
Julian, W.E., mining engineering.
Katizbak, J.P., civil engineering.
Kaufman, C.C., law.
Kellogg, F.C., travelling salesman.
Kelso, R.W., law.
Kendall, A., Law School.
Kenniston, R.H., teaching.
Kent, W., Jr., undecided.
Kenyon, G., clothing manufacturing.
Kibbey, R.C., will study agriculture.
Kimball, D.B., law.
King, M., Law School.
King, M., Jr., electrical engineering.
Kipper, H.B., Graduate School.
Kirkpatrick, J.D., teaching.
Klein, S.A., law.
Knowlton, H., straw hat manufacturing.
Koven, L.B. de, banking.
Krumbhaar, E.B., Medical School.
Lakemann, C.E., undecided.
Lander, C.F., woodwork manufacturing.
Lane, C.C., publishing business.
Lane, R., business.
Latorre, E.M. de, mining and metallurgy.
Lawrence, A., railroad engineering.
Leake, J.P., medicine.
Lebowich, J., Law School.
Lee, J.W., undecided.
Legg, C.A., law.
Legh, S.C., teaching.
Lenz, G.J., Graduate School.
Lester, D.H., engineering.
Lewis, K.B., metallurgy.
Lewis, P.M., law.
Libbey, H.C., journalism.
Lincoln, A.W., government service.
Lincoln, D.W., Law School.
Lindsay, T.P., wholesale dry goods business.
Lindsley, T., engineering.
Linnell, I.N., law.
Little, E.R., newspaper illustrating.
Lloyd, D., undecided.
Long, J.A., teaching.
Lovejoy, C.F., undecided.
Lowery, J., undecided.
Lunt, D.S., Law School.
Lynn, R.W., law.
McCabe, D.A., teaching.
McCarthy, E.R., business.
McLeod, M., teaching.
McClinton, D.N., mechanical engineering.
McGaragle, J.W. banking.
Mackay, O.C., beef packing business.
McKendrick, N.S., teaching.
Macomber, F.G., Jr., insurance.
Maddock, W.E., superintendent of public schools.
Manning, D.C., law.
Manning, R.F., law.
Marion, J.W.J., Medical School.
Marsalis, T.L., Jr., brokerage.
Marsh, C.E., chemistry.
Marshall, C.B., undecided.
Marshall, H.P., undecided.
May, R., business.
Maynard, B.M., undecided.
Meier, T.G., 2d. business.
Merritt, E.W., Jr., study.
Metcalf, T.N., undecided.
Meyer, H.A., law.
Miller, B.A., manufacturing.
Miller, H., study.
Miller, T.H., Law School.
Millet, R.T., medicine.
Milinowski, A.S., civil engineering.
Minturn, H., brokerage.
Monten, W.A., railroading.
Moore, J.C., teaching.
Moseley, B.P.P., banking.
Mosenfelder, S., undecided.
Motley, W., Law School.
Moulton, H.P., Jr., teaching.
Murphy, C.D., printing business.
Nelligan, P.J., law.
Nelson, F.A., structural drafting.
Nelson, W.H., teaching.
Newell, G.R., civil engineering.
Nickerson, H.C., Scientific School or electrical railroading.
Nicholson, U.H., teaching.
Nottage, W.I., law.
Noyes, H.H., publishing business.
Oakes, P., undecided.
O'Connor, F.J., Law School.
Odell, R.M., cotton manufacturing.
Oelrichs, C. tie L., banking.
Oglesby, J.H., railroading.
Orr, I.F., railroad.
Osgood, F.H., teaching.
Osgood, P.E., ministry.
Osterhoudt, G.D., law.
Otis, G.F., business.
Otis, H., law.
Owens, H.H., teaching.
Packard, L.O., teaching.
Packard, W.O., cotton commission business.
Paehtz, A.J., electrical engineering.
Palmer, J.L., B.U. Law School.
Parker, H.C., mining.
Parker, H.S., Western Electric Company.
Parker, D.P., law.
Parker, S.B., architecture.
Parkin, H.D., law.
Peabody, H., undecided.
Peck, L.F., architecture.
Pierce, E.H., chemistry.
Pellissier, R.E., teaching.
Pereles, N., Jr., law.
Perine, F.A., publishing and journalism.
Perkins, M.F., business.
Perrin, J.G., teaching.
Peterson, J.C., teaching.
Peterson, A., undecided.
Phillips, F.F., Jr., law.
Pickhardt, C.E., Law School.
Pierce, A.H., industrial chemistry.
Pierce, R., business.
Piper, F.W., banking or shoe manufacturing.
Plummer, S., Law School.
Poole, S.F., teaching.
Porter, E.L., teaching.
Post, C.R., undecided.
Pritchard, H.W., undecided.
Pratt, M.R., medicine.
Preston, H.F., teaching.
Purdy, S.B., photographer.
Putnam, L.G., teaching.
Rabenold, E.M., law.
Rainsford, L.F., medicine.
Rainsford, W.K., undecided.
Ray, E.R., architectural drafting.
Reed, A.F., teaching.
Reuter, L.H., teaching.
Rahm, H.C. de, Jr., banking.
Rice, J.A., lumber business.
Rich, F.E., journalism.
Richards, J.M., mining engineering.
Richardson, G.B., geologist.
Richardson, W.M., landscape architecture.
Riggs, O.M., instructor in chemistry.
Rivers, H.F., business.
Rivers, R.W., undecided.
Rivinus, F.M., law.
Robbins, H.R., civil engineering.
Roberts, A.T., engineering.
Roberts, S.L., law.
Robeson, A., Jr., banking.
Robins, K.N., banking.
Robinson, C.H., undecided.
Rogers, J.J., Law School.
Roode, A.V. de, law.
Roosevelt, F.D., law.
Rose, A., law.
Rose, L., engineering.
Rowe, E.P., undecided.
Russell, W.L., teaching.
Rust, E.C., undecided.
Rutland, J.R., teaching.
Sachs, W.E., banking.
Sadler, R.A., medicine.
Saeger, W.C., law.
Sanger, R., railroading.
Sawyer, E.M., mining.
Sawyer, W.P., law.
Schoff, L.H., woolen business.
Schwab, A., business.
Schwarz, H.F., toy business.
Scott, C., law.
Scott, L.A., undecided.
Seabury, J.S., business.
Sebring, H.O., business.
Sedgwick, H.R., undecided.
Sharpe, W.J.C., medicine.
Sheldon, P.E., business.
Sherburne, E.H., undecided.
Sherman, A.B., journalism.
Shewall, R.L., business.
Shields, M.L., law.
Shuman, H.B., undecided.
Sicher, S.A., business.
Silver, L.G., undecided.
Skelley, R.D., mining.
Skilton, S.H., Jr., banking.
Smith, A.H., law.
Smith, C.L., railroading.
Smith, E.C., business.
Smith, E.N., civil engineer.
Smith, F.M., Jr., consular service.
Smith, G.K., electrical business.
Smith, H.W., mechanical engineering.
Smith, K.K., teaching.
Smith, W.D., railroading.
Snowman, L.E., librarian.
Soehrins, J.H., civil engineering.
Southard, L.K., business.
Souther, T.B., undecided.
Soutter, J.T., undecided.
Spaulding, R.H., railroad machinist.
Staples, P.C., business.
Starratt, S.A., teaching.
Stephens, E.S., journalism.
Stettinius, J.L., Law School.
Stevens, C.A., wool business.
Stevens, E.A., Jr., business.
Stevens, J.N., undecided.
Stewart, H.S., ministry.
Stone, E.C., undecided.
Stone, J.H., law.
Stone, J.K.P., business.
Stone, J.L., wire rope manufacturing.
Stone, W.M., mechanical engineering.
Story, W.E., Jr., undecided.
Stuart, J., journalism.
Stowe, L.B., publishing business.
Swan, A.E., engineering.
Swan, W., undecided.
Swank, G.L., teaching.
Swett, L.W., commercial traveller.
Taber, F.H., undecided.
Taft, E.A., Jr., law.
Taussig, L.F., wholesale hardware business.
Taylor, A.B., steel business.
Taylor, E.W., automobile business.
Templeton, E.G., law.
Thacher, H., law.
Thayer, A.A., mechanical engineering.
Thayer, A.L., law.
Thaxter, S. St. F., Law School.
Thomas, T.G., Columbia Law School.
Thompson, W.H., publishing business.
Thurlow, M. McI., mining engineering.
Titcomb, W.C., Graduate School.
Tilney, I.S., brokerage business.
Tirrell, C.E., mechanical engineering.
Toppan, R.L., Medical School.
Torrey, J.H., law.
Trainer, S.B., business.
Tsanoff, V.A., law.
Tuckerman, J.W., Jr., undecided.
Tufts, W.S., undecided.
Tuttle, R.W., medicine.
Tyng, A., mechanical engineering.
Usher, A.P., Graduate School.
Valentine, W.R., teaching.
Van Wye, B.C., public reader.
Varney, R.W., architecture.
Viaux, F., law.
Vinal, E.R., teaching.
Vincent, E.C., real estate business.
Volk, P., real estate business.
Wadsworth, W.D., Law School.
Wait, A., undecided.
Walker, C.S., undecided.
Walker, I.J., Medical School.
Wallace, R.S., secretary Phillips Brooks House Association.
Walsh, E.F., medicine.
Walton, B., shoe manufacturing business.
Ware, R.C., undecided.
Warner, S.G., undecided.
Warren, H.E., architectural drafting.
Weitzel, R.B., undecided.
Welldon, S.A., undecided.
Welsh, H.S., brokerage business.
Wertheimer, J.J., law.
Wescott, H.E., banking.
White, E.D., art.
Whitehead, H. St.C. McM., ministry.
Whitehead, R.F., undecided.
Whiting, R.G., business.
Whittemore, W.S., medicine.
Williams, T.C., teaching.
Winston, G.O., undecided.
Winston, T.E., teaching.
Wire, G.L., law.
Wise, H.W., business.
Wolff, J.G., law.
Wright, D.C., drafting.
Wright, W.M., coffee business.
Young, H.W., banking
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