The order of the Commencement procession has been announced as follows:
Candidates for the degrees: A.B., S.B., A.M., S.M., Ph.D., S.D., B.A.S., D.M.D., M.D., LL.B., S.T.B.; the President; Fellows of the Corporation; the Board of Overseers; the Governor and Lieutenant-Governor; the Governor's military staff; deans of the faculties, as follows--Harvard College; Arts and Sciences, Bussey Institution, Law School, Lawrence Scientific School, Graduate School, Dental School, Medical School, Divinity School; professors in the University; assistant professors; other members of faculties; other permanent officials; former members of the Corporation and Board of Overseers; former professors in the University; trustees of the Hopkins, Loan, and Sanders funds; ministers in old Cambridge churches and preachers to the University; Presidents of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston University, Tufts College, Boston College, Episcopal Theological School, New Church Theological School, St. John's Ecclesiastical Seminary; Secretary of the Massachusetts Board of Education; United States Senators and Representatives; officers of the army and navy; Sheriffs of Suffolk and Middlesex; judges of the courts of the Commonwealth and of the United States; mayors of Boston and of Cambridge; officers of other universities, colleges, and professional schools; alumni of not less than twenty years standing, by classes.
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Yale, 6; Springfield Training School, 0