
Tickets for Observation Train.

Applications on regular blanks for tickets to the observation train at the Harvard-Yale University boat race will be received from any graduate or member of Harvard University until 6 P. M. today.

Tickets admit to a special Harvard car, but the seats are not reserved by number.

Remittances and addressed stamped envelope must accompany each order.

Tickets will be sent by registered mail if postage stamps to the amount of ten cents are put on the addressed envelope. It is advisable to have all tickets registered.

The price of each ticket is $2.50.


Application blanks may be obtained at the Union, Leavitt's, Amee's. Brine's, the Co-operative, or at the office of the Athletic Association. In Boston application blanks may be obtained at Wright & Ditson's. ROGER ERNST,   Graduate Manager of Athletics.
