For Members of the University.
A sale of Class Day tickets, open to Seniors and all other members of the University, will be held tomorrow at the Athletic office from 1.30 to 2.30. The prices will be as follows for Seniors: Sanders Theatre tickets, $1.50 each: Stadium tickets, 75 cents each: Yard tickets, 10 cents each.
Other members of the University will be charged the following prices: Sanders Theatre tickets, $2.00 each: Memorial tickets, $1.50 each: yard tickets, 25 cents each.
For Graduates.
A sale of Class Day tickets for graduates of the University will be held today and Wednesday from 11.30 to 2 at the Parker House, Boston. On Class Day there will be another sale of tickets, for graduates only, at the lodge of the class of '77 gate. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
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Peace Congress Opens Today.