
Law School Association Celebration.

The Law School Association has arranged to hold its first celebration since 1895 in Cambridge on Tuesday, June 28, the day before Commencement. At 10.30 o'clock in the morning a business meeting of the association will be held in the Law School immediately after which portraits of the late J. H. Thayer '50 and of Dean Ames, by Mr. Wilton Lockwood, will be presented to the Law School. At 12 o'clock the Hon. W. H. Taft, Secretary of War, will deliver an oration in Sanders Theatre, and at 2 o'clock a dinner will be given in the Union at which the Hon. M. W. Fuller h.'91 will preside. Among those who will speak informally at the dinner are: President Eliot, Dean Ames, of the Law School, the Hon. J. D. Long '57, the Hon. M. P. Knowlton, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, the Hon. Richard Olney, the Hon. F. J. Swayze, Baron Kaneko, and Mr. William Rand, Jr.

The exercises in Sanders Theatre will be open to the public. The price of tickets to the dinner, which will be sold only to members of the Association, will be $2.50 each. Circulars descriptive of the celebration and dinner tickets may be obtained from R. L. Raymond '98, Secretary, 62 Devonshire street, Boston. Tickets still unsold by June 28, will be sold at the Law School between 10 and 1 on that day.

Thayer 1 has been reserved for members of the association on Commencement Day.
