RED TOP, June 12.--In the practice yesterday great improvement was shown in the recover and drive and very encouraging work was done in rough water. No attempt was made for fast time, as Mr. Colson is confining his attention merely to form. The first crew rowed a three-mile race down stream with the Freshmen. Before returning to quarters the first boat was sent up stream over a four-mile course through rough water and with a quartering wind. For the first two miles the men rowed a 29 stroke, and in the last two raised it to 30 and 31, and came in with a strong finish. The time was 22 minutes, 41 seconds. Bowditch, who has been rowing bow in the four-oar, is ill with the measles and has gone home. Johnson, of the second crew, will take his place until he returns. The Freshmen showed great improvement yesterday and gave more promise of speed. Their order has again been changed as follows:
Stroke, Farley; 7, Richards; 6, French; 5, Corbett; 4, Bacon; 3, Sherwin; 2, Goodale; bow, Tappan; cox., Wiener.
The University four-oar is rowing in the following order:
Stroke, Brownell; 3, Swaim; 2, Shepard; bow, Johnson; cox., Montgomery.
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Senior Class Fund Notice.