
Cricket Team Won from Cornell.

The University cricket team defeated Cornell in the Stadium yesterday by the score of 207 to 56, in the last game of the season. The victory was due to Harvard's superior batting and fielding, and to the fact that Cornell's bowling was greatly handicapped by rain. Harvard's form in fielding, batting and bowling all showed marked improvement over that shown at Philadelphia. At the bat, Gummere, Wyndham-Gittens and Barnes were the strongest for Harvard, Gummere making top score with 79; in bowling, F. C. Taylor and Gummere were steady and effective. On the Cornell team Gregson bowled well, and was also the only one to make double figures at the bat. Cornell's score was more than equalled when Harvard's fourth wicket fell.

This game gives Harvard third place in the intercollegiate series. Haverford having lost no games, Pennsylvania one, Harvard two, and Cornell all.
