

Diverting Holiday Arranged at Nantasket Point for June 1.

To establish the Senior Picnic, held at Nantasket Point on Wednesday, June 1, as a regular holiday to be enjoyed by future classes, every Senior should attend.

The class will meet in front of University Hall on Wednesday morning at 8.30 o'clock. Special cars will run to Rowe's Wharf, where the "King Phillip," staunch and strong, will assume the burden. Creatore II, fresh from the St. Louis Exposition, and his famous band will discourse real music on the hurricane deck. Upon arriving at the Point the class will partake of Nantasket's choicest baked clams and lobsters, broiled. After this repast a corn-cob smoker will be held to prepare for the Senior field day sports. Three baseball games have already been arranged. The Heavyweights will cross bats with the Lightweights, the Quincys will meet the Oak Groves, and the Memorialites will battle with the Randallites. Men wishing to try for these teams should sign in their respective divisions at Leavitt & Peirce's. The Committee urges that more nines be formed since Nantasket glitters with diamonds.

While the baseball games are in progress the manager of the Senior track team will hold an exhibition on the Nantasket Boulevard. Besides the usual track events, there will be wheelbarrow, potato and three-legged races, and any others which may be suggested. The feature of the day will be a balloon ascension at four o'clock. Any man who wishes to accompany the balloon should notify the Committee before the ascension takes place.

The class will then adjourn to the Casino, where a home talent vaudeville will be given free of charge. Every man is urged to think up a stunt as all will be called upon.

The King Phillip will toot her chime whistle at five o'clock and Creatore will again assume control as the palatial vessel plies homeward.


All this pleasure, the boat ride, music and luncheon will cost each man one dollar. Tickets may be purchased from the Committee which will canvass the class, and at Leavitt & Peirce's. In order that final transportation arrangements may be made tickets should be procured at once.
