The University lacrosse team will play its second game in the interuniversity series with Cornell this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Stadium. Though Cornell has had an erratic season, it has succeeded in developing a strong team. Cornell has defeated Columbia 8 to 1 and the University of Pennsylvania 7 to 4, but has been defeated by Swarthmore 11 to 2, by Johns Hopkins 9 to 3, and by Hobart 5 to 1.
Since the game with the Crescent Athletic Club on May 14, the University team has steadily improved the weak points brought out by that defeat, in particular the goal shooting and general attack. The game will undoubtedly be Harvard's hardest, as Cornell last year defeated Harvard 4 to 3 and was the winner of the interuniversity championship. Admission to the game today will be 50 cents, H. A. A. ticket holders 25 cents.
The line-up will be as follows:
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Observatory Open to Seniors.