
College Men's Political Association.

The College Men's Political Association of New York, through its committee on work among the colleges, is sending to college graduates in New York a report of its work during the winter. This has been directed toward interesting the men still at college in municipal politics, chiefly by means of political addresses by representative men. The committee now contemplates establishing in New York a bureau of information, which shall be in close touch with district politicians throughout the city. By the relations which it is establishing at the large universities, the committee will be able each year to ascertain what men from the graduating class expect to settle in New York. It intends to reach these men personally or by letter, to urge them to let it put them into personal communication with those who can place them in the political field.

Early in June, letters will be sent to Seniors at Harvard, with the ultimate object of interesting them in the duty of taking some active part in politics, and of helping them to political usefulness.
