On account of the bad weather no games were played in the Leiter Cup series yesterday, and in accordance with the rules each of the following teams has been credited with one-half a game: Stealthy Steves, Patchworks, Incognitos, Texas Leaguers, Sky Pilots, and Live Wires.
The following games will be played this afternoon at 4 o'clock: Gambollers vs. Nine Muses, west diamond, Soldiers Field: Fakes vs. Grasshoppers, south diamond. Soldiers Field: Amazons vs. Miners, Norton's Field.
The following games are scheduled for tomorrow afternoon: Lanky Shanks vs. Patchworks: Martins vs. Fakes: Stewed Prunes vs. Indians.
All scores must be handed in at the CRIMSON office, not at the Athletic Association office, before 8 o'clock; otherwise the game will not be counted.
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