

Water Main, Hydrants and Extinguishers Are Being Placed in the Yard.

In accordance with the vote of the Corporation for improvements to reduce the danger from fire in the Yard, work was begun, Tuesday morning, on a six-inch water main to run from the Cambridge Water Company's main on Cambridge street to that on Massachusetts avenue, along the line of Stoughton, Hollis, Matthews, and Wadsworth House. Yesterday the piping was laid as, far as Hollis, and a hydrant was placed opposite Holden Chapel. The main will probably be finished by Saturday, and hydrants placed opposite Harvard Hall and in front of Matthews.

A door is being cut on the east side of University Hall, to connect with a staging in the basement, where two hand carts, each carrying 500 feet of standard three-inch fire hose, will always be accessible. A keyless fire-alarm box has been put on the east side of University Hall, and thirty-five Babcock chemical extinguishers are being hung in the halls of College buildings, a few in the dormitories.

All the proposed additional precautions against fire will probably be completed by the end of the week.
