
M. Leroy-Beaulieu's Seventh Lecture.

M. Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu gave the seventh of the Cercle Francais lectures yesterday afternoon, in Sanders Theatre, on "Les Protestants Francais etl'Antiprotestantisme."

France, M. Leroy-Beaulieu said, has been in history, and is still, the first among Catholic nations, but she was the first country to proclaim religious liberty, in the sixteenth century. Louis XIV, by revoking the Edict of Nantes, could not suppress the Protestants, and they recovered their liberty before the Revolution, under Louis XVI.

Calvinism, the French form of Protestantism, has the systematic logic characteristic of the French spirit, and that system accounts for its success with other nations. The principal reason for Antiprotestantism is that certain Protestants took part in the war directed by political parties against the Catholic Church. Most clear-sighted Protestantsin France are against this attack, feeling that Anticlericalism under present conditions threatens Christianity and all religion.
