
Appointments by the Corporation.

At a meeting of the Corporation yesterday the following appointments were made for one year from September 1, 1904:

F. Hagens and W. A. Colwell, instructors in German; F. Briggs and F. W. C. Lieder, Austen Teaching Fellows in German; A. S. Hills, R. Lu V. Lyman and B. G. Willard, instructors in public speaking. R. D. MacLaurin was appointed assistant in chemistry for the remainder of the current year.

The following re-appointments were made for one year from September 1, 1904.

R. C. Griffin, assistant in chemistry; H. M. Boylston, assistant in metallurgical chemistry; Dr. H. H. Haynes, instructor in semitic languages; C. F. Brown, R. G. Carleton, C. R. Nutter, F. W. Reynolds and J. W. Tupper, instructors in English; W. R. Castle, C. M. Stearns and R. P. Utter, assistants in English; A. M. Sturtvant and H. J. Weber, instructors in German.

The resignation of A. W. Roesche, as instructor in German for 1904-05, was accepted, and leave of absence was granted to G. N. Lewis, instructor in chemistry, for two years from September 1, 1904.
