

From 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.--Annual Meeting in Living Room at 7.

The annual election of officers and members of committees of the Harvard Union will take place today. The election will be conducted under the Australian ballot system, and no voting by proxy will be permitted. The polls will be placed in the corridor of the Union and the buildings of the several graduate departments, and will be open from 10 A. M. until 6 P. M. The following men have been appointed to take charge of polls: 10-11--E. B. Krumbhaar '04 and R. A. Derby '05; 11-12--A. A. Ballantine '04 and R. J. Leonard '06; 12-1--C. B. Marshall '04 and F. W. Sargent, Jr., '07; 1-2--R. F. Manning '04 and R. Oveson '05; 2-3--J. D. Nichols '06 and J. Reynolds, Jr., '07; 3-4--J. M. Montgomery, Jr., '06 and R. S. Wallace '04; 4-6--J. A. Burgess '04 and A. C. Travis '05.

Several men have been nominated for both an office and a committee. All who desire to do so may vote for these men for both positions, and if elected to both, the nominee will accept the office and resign from the committee.

On the nomination ballots the following question has been put which voters are requested to answer: Do you think it advisable to have the undergraduate dues of the Union put on the term-bill, if it could be arranged?

The annual business meeting will be held in the Living Room of the Union this evening at 7 o'clock. At this meeting the results of the election will be announced and the reports of the Treasurer, and standing committees will be read and acted upon. Any business brought up at this meeting will be open for discussion by all members of the Union. The order of business at the meeting will be:

1. Announcement of result of election.


2. Reports of Standing Committees.

3. Report of Treasurer.

4. Report of Secretary.

5. New Business.

In view of the small attendance at the meetings to amend the Union Constitution, it is hoped that all members will be present at the meeting tonight.

The final list of nominations is as follows:


Major Henry Lee Higginson '55.


R. Oveson '05, J. P. Bowditch '05.
