
Vote of Union Meeting Unconstitutional.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Since at the meeting held in the Union on Monday, to consider the proposed amendments to the constitution, a count was called for, and there was less than the required quorum present, the meeting was undeniably unconstitutional. The idea of the committee which proposed the amendments was not to engineer them through in an underhanded manner, but to make some much required changes in an impracticable constitution; and every effort was made to bring out a broad discussion of all the points raised. Since the meeting was unconstitutional, the elections of this year will be held according to the original clauses of the constitution. The committee will propose the amendments at a future meeting, at which it is hoped they will receive proper consideration. JAMES A. BURGESS.   R. ERNST.   E. B. KRUMBHAAR.   R. A. DERRY.   J. P. BOWDITCH.
