
New Scholarship in Chemistry.


To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Will you be so good as to insert the following notice in the CRIMSON?

The Messrs. Mallinckrodt of St. Louis announce that they will pay the sum of $500 to a chosen student of chemistry in the Graduate School of Harvard University, during the academic year 1904-05, on condition that this student will contract to serve in the Mallinckrodt Chemical Works during the year 1903-06 at a suitable salary. The student must have taken at least Chemistry 5, 6, 9, and 10. Preference will be given to a man wishing a broad theoretical training in research as a foundation for the subsequent practice of technical chemistry. Only students of unusual ability will be considered. It is expected that this offer will be renewed in subsequent years.

Applications should be addressed before April 13 to. THEODORE W. RICHARDS.

Chairman of the Division of Chemistry April 5, 1904.
