The first of the natural history walks to be taken this spring under the auspices of the Natural History Society will occur this afternoon, and will be conducted by Dr. W. E. Castle of the Zoological Department. The party will meet at the Oxford street entrance to the University Museum at 1.30 o'clock, and will visit the Middlesex Fells to study the leeches, crustacea and ants, and the spawning of the amphibia. These walks are open to the University, and are always conducted by an instructor in one of the natural history departments. Following is the schedule of the remaining walks. Full announcement will be made before each walk.
May 7--To Nahant, led by Dr. G. H. Parker of the Zoological Department.
May 14--To Purgatory Swamp, led by Mr. J. G. Jack of the Forestry Department.
May 21--To Ashburnham and Mt. Watatic, led by Mr. M. L. Fernald, of the Botanical Department.
May 28--To Provincetown, a three-day excursion: no leader yet chosen.
June 4--Botanical walk, led by Professor G. L. Goodale.
June 11--To Mt. Wachusett, led by Mr. R. T. Fisher of the Forestry Department.
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Mr. Seton's Lecture.