

Game Will be Played at Worcester Today if Weather Permits.

The University nine will play the first of two games with Holy Cross at 3 o'clock this afternoon on the Holy Cross diamond at Worcester, provided it is in fit condition. The squad will take the train for Worcester at 11.15 o'clock from the South Terminal Station.

In the series with Holy Cross last year, each team won one game, Harvard by a score of 13 to 1 on May 27, and Holy Cross by a score of 2 to 1 on June 6. Of last year's strong Holy Cross team, eight men will play in the game this afternoon, the only change in the team being the left field position. The team has shown its usual strength this year, beating Boston College 22 to 0, Brown 7 to 1, and the University of Maine 14 to 1.

As the University team has had only two days of outdoor practice since its return from the southern trip, and as the game with the University of Maine scheduled for Wednesday was cancelled, it is impossible to compare the chances of the teams in this afternoon's game by means of the work done this season.

The batting order this afternoon will be as follows:

If Coburn pitches, Clarkson will go to center and Kernan to left field. Harvard.  Holy Cross. Carr, 3b.  2b., Devlin Kernan, c.f.  r.f., Skelly Randall, 1b.  c., Noonan Matthews, s.s.  s.s., Stankard Clarkson, Coburn, p.  l.f., Holy Stephenson, r.f.  1b., Flynn Bolton, 2b.  c.f., McKeon Marshall, l.f.  3b., Ennis, Caspen Quigley, c.  p., Spring
