

For Next Year.--Many Important and Significant Rules Adopted.

The Intercollegiate Football Rules Association, at a Meeting in Philadelphia last Saturday, made the following changes in the present intercollegiate code. The University was represented at the meeting by R. D. Wrenn '95.

A goal from field or from placement will count only four instead of five points. At least six men must be on the line of scrimmage in all plays, instead of seven men between the two 25 yard lines, and five between the 25 and goal lines. If only six are on the line, one of the backfield must be outside the end linesman. Under these conditions, which apply to the whole field of play, the quarterback may run with the ball provided he goes 5 yards outside of center in advancing the ball. This makes checkerboard markings necessary over the entire field.

The linesman's duties are now more clearly defined: he will watch officially over the measurements of distance, offside play by ends, and unnecessary rough treatment of punters. The penalties are grouped into two classes, and only two distance penalties are provided for: 5 yards and 15 yards. After a fair catch has been made, time is to be taken out until the ball is again put in play. In a kick-out after a safety or touchback, if the ball goes out of bounds before striking a player, it must be kicked out again; if this occurs twice in succession, it shall be given to the opponents as out of bounds on the 85 yard line.

A team no longer has the privilege of retaining the ball by taking it back 20 yards.


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