
Graded Crew Work Begun.

The Weld and Newell graded crews began work yesterday with forty-seven candidates, twenty-three at the Weld and twenty-four at the Newell. Temporary eights were formed and two crews from each boat-house went out on the river.

More men are needed at the both clubs. So far only one coxswain has reported at the Newell and for this reason the third Newell was unable to go out. Three crews will row daily from each boathouse; the Weld crews under the direction of Rice, the Newell crews under the direction of Vail. The graded crew races will be held about May 22.

The single scull race for the Royal Phelps Carroll perpetual challenge cup will be rowed about June 2 over the one mile straight-away in the lower Charles River basin. On the same day the compromise and wherry races will be rowed over a one-half mile course from the Stillman Infirmary to the Boylston street bridge. Prizes will be given by the clubs to the winners of the last-named races. Both these and the Carroll Cup race are open to all students in the University and no entrance fee will be charged.
