
The Hasty Pudding Club Play.

Rehearsals of the Hasty Pudding Club's comic opera "Boodle and Co.," have been held regularly for the past four weeks, and the production promises not to fall below the standard set by former Pudding plays. Mr. J. W. Parks and Mr. M. B. Gilbert, who have been connected with past Cadet shows, are coaching the principals and the chorus respectively. The twenty-four musical numbers, by J. H. Densmore '04, and the book, by H. Otis '04, are bright and catchy and display considerable versatility.

The prologue introduces Simeon Boodle, an Idaho rancher, who, upon announcing his purpose of becoming rich and influential, promptly falls asleep in front of his ranch-house and dreams the events set forth in the two acts. The scene of these is laid at White Isle, a fashionable summer resort, where Boodle, now an opulent United States senator, takes his family for the summer. Here he gradually loses most of his money, but gains control of his hitherto ruling half, and sees his daughter finally married to the man who really loves her. After many amusing complications and minor love affairs, he wakes up in the epilogue, happy to find that he has only been dreaming.

The cast, in order of appearance, is as follows: Simeon Boodle, rancher, hopeful but tired,  J. P. Bowditch '05 Mrs. Boodle, Simeon's better and ruling half,  R. Lane '04 David Plumb, rancher, with tragic inclinations,  C. A. Shea '04 Elizabeth Boodle, daughter of Simeon,  G. Lawton '04 Roger Fairfax, the pride of Bonanza,  S. A. Welldon '04 Mr. Moppet, proprietor and manager of White Isle Lodge,  G. F. Tyler '05 Minnie Moppet, his daughter,  W. P. Sanger '05 Augustus Grenville of London,  G. O. Winston '05 Duchess Marietta Chinolla, of Italy,  M. Tilden '05 Fritz. David's unhappy companion,  H. Otis '04 Captain Trump, of U. S. Cruisen "Alaska."  A. V. Baird '04 Cowboy clerks, French school-maids middies on the "Alaska,"  White Isle guests, summer girls, waiters, etc.

Performances will be given as follows: graduates' night, April 30: undergraduates night; May 2: public performances May 8: Boston performances in Potter Hall. New Century Building. Huntington avenue, May 5, 6, and 7, matinee May 6.
