The graduates' performance of the "Will-o'-the-Wisp" the Pi Eta Society's new comic opera, will take place this evening in the club theatre on Winthrop square a 8 o'clock. There will be public performances Monday in Lowell and Tuesday in the Winchester Town Hall, and a matinee Thursday at the Tremont Theatre, Boston. The Cambridge performances will be given after the recess, on the evenings of April 26 and 27 in the Pi Eta Theatre. Tickets for the Cambridge performances will be on sale at Thurston's Saturday. Seats for the matinee at the Tremont can be obtained at Herrick's and the box office at the theatre.
The dress rehearsal on Tuesday was very gratifying. The addition of costumes, scenery, and light effects to a play which has shown great promise in earlier rehearsals made evident the fact that the "Will-o'-the Wisp" has elements which should make it the most original and entertaining production that the society has yet constructed. The characters have their prototypes in every country town, the incidents are plausible, and the introduction of the travelling shown in the first act and the celebration of May day and Home Week in the second give abundant opportunity for treatment in a light vein. The songs are essential to the development of the plot, and as in the case of the dances, are not interrelated incongruously. The book is by D. P. Cook '05, and the music by E. H. Grey '06, A. T. Davison '06, and H. R. Cratt '06.
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