
Greek Play to be Given Next Year.

The Classical Department will present the well-known tragedy by Aeschylus entitled "Choephoroe" or "The Libation Pourers," in Sanders Theatre in May, 1905. The parts will be taken entirely by students in the Greek Department, and the stage will be an exact reproduction of a quarter in an ancient Greek city. The costumes, acting and stage properties will also be in exact accordance with the customs of the time of Aeschylus.

"The Birds," by Aristophanes, the last play given under the auspices of the Greek Department, was presented in May, 1901. Next year, however, in "The Libation Pourers," the committee intends to produce a play more like Sophocles' "Oedipus Tyrannus," which was given in 1881 and attracted much favorable comment.

In charge of the arrangements are Professors H. W. Smyth, J. H. Wright, J. W. White, C. B. Gulick and W. F. Harris; and Dr. G. H. Chase and Dr. T. Stickney.
