
New Plan for Clothing Collection.

The Social Service Committee has decided to try a new plan for its regular May clothing collection. Previously, the collection has been made only on one fixed day. As a result, not more than half the men in the University have been seen, and been given the chance to contribute. This spring the collection will be extended over a whole week--May 2 to 3--and will be made by men living in the buildings in which they collect. In this way it will be possible to see everybody and so to make a much larger collection.

Articles of clothing.--coats, hats, shoes, etc.,--and magazines will be collected. The clothing will be sent party to Booker T. Washington, Tuckegee Institute, and party to the poor of Boston and vicinity. The magazines will be sent to hospitals. Men are needed to assist the committee in this work. Any man wishing to give his services will kindly notify Anthony Hunt, Hollis 3.
