

Cheering in Square at 3.45.--First Game Against Georgetown on Saturday.

The University baseball team will leave Cambridge at 4 o'clock this afternoon for its annual southern trip during the spring recess. The men will take the Fall River boat to New York and tomorrow morning will proceed to Washington, arriving about noon. While there, they will stop at the Arlington Hotel. In the afternoon they will practice on the Georgetown diamond, and on Saturday will play Georgetown in their first game of the season. On Monday the team will play the University of Virginia on the Washington American League grounds and on Tuesday will go to Annapolis, where a game with the Naval Academy will be played the following day. A team made up of substitutes will play the Academy substitutes on Thursday, and on Friday the men will go to New York, where they will spend the night at the Murray Hill Hotel. A special car will take them to West Point Saturday, where they will play the Military Academy in the afternoon. Their car will be attached to the evening train for Boston and they will reach Cambridge in time for breakfast at the training table on Sunday morning.

The following twenty-five men will compose the squad: Boston, Carr, Castle, Clarkson, Coburn, Gardiner, H. Greenough, Jackson, Kernan, Marshall, Mason, McCarty, Murphy, Newhall, Nichols, Quigley, Randall, Spencer, Stephenson, Tuckerman, and Coach Frantz, Krumbhaar, Thornton, McMaster, Taylor. Matthews will join the team on its return to West Point.

The Practice Yesterday.

Besides battery work in the cage and batting and fielding outdoors, work yesterday afternoon consisted of a long drill in base-running and in coaching runners from first and third bases. The men progressed satisfactorily considering the cold weather and worked with good spirit.

The last practice before the southern trip will be held this afternoon at 1.30.
