
Lecture by Hon. S. N. D. North Tonight

Hon. S. N. D. North, director of the United States census bureau, will lecture before the Seminary of Economics in University 23 at 7.30 o'clock this evening. His subject will be "Progress in Manufactures in the United States."

Mr. North is a prominent journalist and statistician, having been successively managing editor of the Utica Morning Herald, president of the New York State Associated Press, and editor and proprietor of the Albany Express. President McKinley appointed him a member of the United States Industrial Commission in 1898, but he resigned the next year to become chief statistician of manufactures for the twelfth census. In 1903 he was appointed director of the United States census bureau. He is the author of "An American Textile Glossary," "A History of the American Wool Manufacture," and of numerous pamphlets on economic and industrial subjects.

The lecture will be open to members of the University.
