

Important Changes in Rules for Issuance and Payment of College Bills.

At a meeting of the Corporation held last Monday, important changes were made in the rules regarding students' financial relations with the University.

Beginning August 31, 1904, each student is to pay three-fifths of his tuition, or the whole, if it does not exceed three-fifths of the maximum fee for the year in his department, within two weeks of the beginning of the College year, and the remainder before the beginning of the second half-year.

After August 31, 1904, term bills are to be issued for all dues other than tuition fees as follows: the first term bill, to be issued at least three weeks before the beginning of the second half-year, and to be paid by the latter date, is to include two-thirds of the year's charges for a College room, fees in laboratory courses which begin in the first half-year, Stillman Infirmary fees, locker fees, charges for board at the Harvard Dining Association and the Randall Hall Association made up to as late a date as possible.--and all, such other incidental charges as can then be determined.

The second term bill, including all dues for the year not in the first bill, is to be issued at least one week before Commencement, and is to be paid by all candidates for degrees at least one day before Commencement, and by all others on or before July 25.

When a student severs his connection with the University, he must pay all charges against him at once. If a student's dues are unpaid on the day fixed for payment, he must cease attending all lectures or recitations, using the libraries, laboratories, gymnasium, athletic grounds or buildings, boarding at the Harvard Dining Association or at the Randall Hall. Association, and making use of any other privileges as a student until his financial relations with the University are satisfactorily arranged with the Bursar.
