
University Calendar.

*Open to the Public. **Open to the University

Monday, March 7.

PRESIDENT AND FELLOWS OF HARVARD COLLEGE. Meeting at No. 50 State street, Boston, 10.30 A. M.

**THE ADMINISTRATION OF LAW BY PUBLIC OFFICERS. I. The Position of the Administration. Professor S. Wyman, East Lecture Room, Austin Hall, 12 M.

**PHYSICAL COLLOQUIUM. A Possible Improvement in Gas Engines. Mr. H. N. Davis, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room '25, 4.45 P. M.

*SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. A Remedy for Some Industrial Troubles. Hon. William B. Rice. University 23, 7.30 P. M.


**RELIGIOUS UNION. The Church and Philanthropy. Dr. S. M. Crothers, Phillips Brooks House, 7.30 P. M.

*CAMERA CLUB. Lecture on Egypt. (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Mr. W. C. Lane, Fogg Lecture Room, 8 P. M.

Wednesday, March 9.

*SEMITIC CONFERENCE. Ten Days East of the Jordan. (Illustrated by the Stereopticon.) Dr. W. J. Moulton. Semitic Museum, Room 2, 4.30 P. M.

**ZOOLOGICAL CLUB. The Rod Visual Cells of Vertebrates. Mr. A. D. Howard. Short Papers. Room 1, fourth floor, Museum of Comparative Zoology, 4.45 P. M.

**CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. The Special Teaching of Jesus Christ. Rev. Francis G. Peabody, D.D. Randall Room, Phillips Brooks House, 7.30 P. M.

**READING from the King James Bible. Mr. Copeland. Sever 11. 8 P. M. Among the passages to be read are the Vision of the Dry Bones, the Song of Deborah, the stories of Naaman and the Prodigal Son, and the Sentences of the Young Men.

Thursday, March 10.

*VESPER SERVICE. Appleton Chapel, 5 P. M. The front seats the reserved for students and for officers of the University and their families till 4.55 P. M.

**UNIVERSITY DEBATING CLUB. Debate, Assembly Room of Union, 7.30 P. M. Question: "Resolved. That Congress be given power, now exercised by the several States, to regulate the working hours of women." Principal Disputants--Affirmative: R. M. Davis '05, R. P. Dietzman '05: negative: E. E. Wakefield 1L., M. M. Herblit '05: critid. R. H. Ewell, Yale '03.

BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CONCERT. (Soloist to be announced.) Sanders Theatre, 7.45 'P. M. Program: Mogart, Symphony No. 3, Aria: Akimenke, Lyric Poem. Op. 20. Songs; Chabrier, Overture to the Opera "Gwendoline."

**NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Reredity in Guinea-pigs. Professor Castle. Some Observations on Ants. Mr. I. A. Field. Amateur Bird Photography. Mr. A. C. Comey. Training Table Room of Union. 8 P. M.

Friday, March 11.

*DIVINITY SCHOOL. Devotional Service with Sermon. Mr. T. M. Cerson. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 P. M.

*POLITICAL CLUB. Reform in a Large City Department, with Special Reference to the New York Police Department. Mr. Gneradi Davis. recently Assistant Police Commissioner in New York City. Fogg Lecture Room. 8 P. M
