The editors of the CRIMSON have desided upon a series of experimental changes in the system of trying candidates for the Board.
Under the new system a candidate will be adjudged on the score of his ability to cover satisfactorily the definite assignments given him by the managing editor.--not on his success in gathering unassigned news, or "scoops," except under definite limitations. No candidate will hereafter be expected or allowed, to follow up news in all branches of University activity, but will be assigned to cover thoroughly one division under the immediate direction of an editor in charge. Candidates will be assigned to divisions according to their individual interests and special information.
The new system will decrease the amount of time required of candidates from day to day, for all the work will be assigned under supervision of the editors in charge of the various divisions of news and the waste and conflict of energy arising when candidates are allowed to follow any chance rumors in any field of news will be abated.
A test of the new system will be made this term, and in order to make the experiment complete and inclusive the CRIMSON will allow any men from 1906 and 1907 to join now the candidates already at work. The competition this term will close in the end of May. All new candidates should report in the CRIMSON office Monday evening promptly at 7 o'clock.
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