
"The Northern Securities Company."

At the invitation of the Seminary of Economics, Mr. E. B. Whitney, a prominent New York Lawyer, will speak on "The Northern Securities Company," in Harvard 1, at 7.30 o'clock next Monday evening.

Mr. Whitney was the secretary of the National Association of Democratic Clubs in 1888, and also of a powerful New York political organization during the campaigns of 1892. While holding the office of assistant attorney-general during Cleveland's last administration, he conducted a number of constitutional cases, such as the Income Tax case, and also took a prominent part in defending the new interstate commerce laws. In the Iron-Pipe Trust case, he obtained the first judicial decision condemning a manufacturing trust under the federal anti-trust law. Mr. Whitney also drew up the New York tenement house law of 1901 as counsel for the State Tenement House Committee. In addition to his legal practice, Mr. Whitney is lecturer on international law at the New York Law School.

The address will be open to all members of the University.
