At a meeting of the members of the Union yesterday afternoon all the amendments to the present constitution proposed by five members of the House Committee and already sanctioned by the Board of Trustees were voted upon, and passed. J. A. Burgess '04 presided and outlined the proposed changes, which are as follows: Article IV, Officers: Section 3, "The vice-president shall discharge the duties and all the rights of the president when the latter is absent." Section 5, "The Secretary shall keep the records of the Union and give notice when the meetings are to be held." Article V, Standing Committees: Section 2, "The House Committee shall be constituted as follows: Five representatives of the College and Scientific School, to be voted for by the members in those departments; two representatives of the graduate departments of the University to be voted for at large by the active members in those departments. The House Committee shall make all rules, etc.," Section 3, "The Membership Committee shall consist of seven undergraduate representatives and of two representatives of the graduate departments of the University to be voted for according to provision of Section 2, and of a past member of the University to be voted for at large by the Union." Article VII. Membership: Section 5, "Life Members. Graduates, past members and all officers of Harvard University may become life members on payment of $50; undergraduates on payment of $75." Article VIII, Dues: Sections 1 and 2 are combined. Article IX. Resignations: The time for resignations is extended from October 1 to October 15. Article X and Article IV. Section 4, were rewritten to give them a more specific meaning.
To make these amendments constitutional another meeting is required. This meeting will be held in the Living Room at 1.30 o'clock next Monday afternoon.
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