

Early Allotment of Seats to Members of Faculty and Governing Boards.

The committee of the English Department entrusted with the management of the performances of Hamlet in Sanders Theatre has sent a circular of information to all members of the Faculty and of the Governing Boards of the University. Those receiving a circular may obtain seats for the performances in advance of the general sale by making application on a subjoined coupon (with check and addressed stamped envelope enclosed), before 6 P. M., Monday, March 28, to Professor J. H. Gardiner, 18 Grays Hall. Not more than four tickets for each performance can ordinarily be assigned to one person.

There will also be a special sale of tickets for members of the University, who may obtain not more than two tickets in advance of the public sale, by applying (on a blank form to be obtained at Sever's Bookstore or at the Union), with check and addressed stamped envelope enclosed, before 6 P. M., Monday, March 28, to Professor J. H. Gardiner, 18 Grays Hall.

The public sale will begin Wednesday morning, March 30, at 9 o'clock, at Sever's and at Herrick's. The price of tickets will be $2.00 and $1.50, according to location.
