The committee of the English Department entrusted with the management of the performances of Hamlet in Sanders Theatre has sent a circular of information to all members of the Faculty and of the Governing Boards of the University. Those receiving a circular may obtain seats for the performances in advance of the general sale by making application on a subjoined coupon (with check and addressed stamped envelope enclosed), before 6 P. M., Monday, March 28, to Professor J. H. Gardiner, 18 Grays Hall. Not more than four tickets for each performance can ordinarily be assigned to one person.
There will also be a special sale of tickets for members of the University, who may obtain not more than two tickets in advance of the public sale, by applying (on a blank form to be obtained at Sever's Bookstore or at the Union), with check and addressed stamped envelope enclosed, before 6 P. M., Monday, March 28, to Professor J. H. Gardiner, 18 Grays Hall.
The public sale will begin Wednesday morning, March 30, at 9 o'clock, at Sever's and at Herrick's. The price of tickets will be $2.00 and $1.50, according to location.
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Boylston Hall to be Open in Recess.