Tuesday, March 22.
FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. Meeting at University 5, 4 P. M.
SENIORS entitled, or likely to be entitled, to Commencement Parts will meet Professor A. S. Hill, in Sever 11, at 3.30 P. M.
**HARVARD CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. The Relation of Creed to Modern Religious Thought. Professor E. C. Moore, Shepard Room. Phillips Brooks House, 7.30 P. M.
**FRESHMAN DEBATING CLUB. Debate. Sever 11. 7.30 P. M. Question: "Rescived. That immigration of the lower classes of Southern and Eastern Europe should be restricted." Principal Disputants--Affirmative: Messrs. W. H. Keeling, 1. Doughton and J. D. White; negative: Messrs. M. C. Leckner, J. H. Bailey and A. B. Green.
**GEOLOGICAL CONFERENCE. A Mineralogical Excursion to Mt. Apatite (25 m.), Mr. H. O. Wood. Book Reviews, Announcement of April Recess Excursions. Geological Museum, 8 P.M.
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Boylston Hall to be Open in Recess.