

Mr. Gherardi Davis to Speak in Fogg Lecture Room at 8.

The second of a series of three meetings on municipal politics, under the auspices of the Political Club, will be held in the Fogg Lecture Room at 8 o'clock this evening, and will be open to the public.

Mr. Gherardi Davis, recently assistant police commissioner in New York City, will speak on "Reform in a Large City Department, with Special Reference to the New York Police Department." For a number of years Mr. Davis has taken a prominent part in New York politics, and has greatly assisted General F. V. Greene in his work in the Police Department of that city. He is an accomplished and experienced speaker.

This lecture, like the others of the series, was made possible through the kind offices of a committee, composed of graduates from many colleges, which, combining with the Political Club, furnishes speakers on city government. The third and last lecture of the series will be held in May.
