M. Anatole Leroy Beaulieu, Membre de l'Institut, who was unable to leave France in time to deliver his series of lectures under the auspices of the Cercle Francais in March as scheduled, will give the course of eight lectures on the afternoons of April 25, 27, 29, and May 2, 4, 6, and 9. The general subject for the series will be: "Christianisme et Democratie: Les Questions Religieuses Dans La France du XIXeme Siecle, and the subjects for the lectures severally are as follows:
April 25--"Les philosophes du XVIIIeme Siecle et la Revolution."
April 27--"Joseph de Maistre et I'Ultramontanisme."
April 29--"Lamennais et les Catholiques liberaux."
May 2--"Le pape Leon XIII et la Republique Francaise."
May 4--"M. de Mun et le Christianisme Social."
May 6--"Les Democrates Chretiens et I'Antisemitisme."
May 9--"Les Protestants Francais et I'Antiprotestantisme."
May 11--"Le Christianisme et le Socialisme."
These lectures, which are to be held in Sanders Theatre, will begin at 4.30, and will be open to the public free of charge. Owing to difficulties which have arisen from the destruction and loss of tickets for the March series of lectures, there will be no seating by tickets. The doors will be opened to the public at 4 o'clock.
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Boylston Hall to be Open in Recess.