The open junior fencing tournament held by the 'Fencers' Club in the Hemenway Gymnasium last evening, was won by R. S. Earle 2L. H. W. Holmes 1G. won second place, and J. Lage, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was third. Silver cups were given to the three winners.
The bouts were all close, especially the final bout between Earle and Holmes which required an extra period of two minutes to decide the winner. The Technology fencers did not show up quite as well as at the intercollegiate meet, but the work done by Holmes and Earle was excellent.
The contestants were divided into three sections for the preliminary round and two men were picked from each section to enter the finals. The six men who qualified for the final round were: Lieutenant Gatewood, M. I. T.; R. S. Earle 2L., A. Tyng '04, W. MacLeod '05, J. Lage, M. I. T.; H. W. Holmes 1G.
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