
Review of Baseball Practice.

The work, during the week, of the baseball squad, which has held regular practice every afternoon, has consisted mainly of the correction of individual faults. The pitchers, in addition to their regular work, have had short practice every day in pitching to the University squad during batting practice. They have been coached especially in curves and control, strikes and balls being counted for the first time, and in this respect have showed satisfactory improvement as well as in speed. In the work of the catchers, particular attention has been given to side stepping and to throwing to second base. Although they work hard, they suffer under the disadvantage of being inexperienced and their work has not been so good as that of the pitchers. The battery squads have been under the direction of Coach Frantz, Chesbro, and Clarkson.

The progress in batting has not been very satisfactory this week, owing chiefly to the fact that the men have been given swift and curved balls. Much stress has been laid upon form and the correction of individual faults, each man, however, being allowed as much freedom as possible in batting in his own way. Attention was also given to teaching the men to hit hard and squarely without swinging and to correcting a general tendency to step away from the plate. The men have also practiced bunting both straight and curved balls.

The fielding practice of the squad has consisted of routine work in handling ground balls, especially short, slow hits, running and sliding bases, running men between bases, perfecting double plays, and starting quickly. The fielding showed very satisfactory improvement, and was hard and accurate. The throwing, however, was poor, as the men have a tendency to throw off balance and recklessly, owing to over-eagerness. The base-sliding was considerably improved.

There will be no University practice this afternoon.
