
Crew Work on the Machines.

Under the present system, the regular practice of the University crew squad consists entirely in individual work by the members of the squad, each man rowing his own stroke under the direct supervision of the coach. This system will continue indefinitely. It is thought that by this method the individual members of the squad can more easily see their faults as pointed out to them and find more opportunity for improvement than when rowing together. This method of individual practice is used for a large part of the rowing season at Cornell and has been found very successful in its results.

Since the cut made in the Freshman squad forty-seven men have been reporting for work on the machines. The stroke has been somewhat quickened, but the men still show a tendency to rush the slides on the recover, besides rowing poorly together. Circulars requesting information about past rowing experience have been distributed to both the University and Freshman squads, to be filled out and handed to the coach.
