
Freshman Crew Notice.

The following forty-seven men have been retained on the Freshman rowing squad and will report dresses to row promptly at the hours given below. All men not included in this list have been dropped.

4.30 P. M.--E. R. Andrews, R. L. Bacon, C. Benton, A. Davis, W. M. Davis, C. E. Devonshire, P. H. Emerson, N. T. Emmons, E. Farley, H. C. Hopewell, F. K. Leatherbee, W. Lilly, W. Lovell, E. C. Potter, Jr., J. Reynolds, Jr., J. Richards, R. S. Richmond, G. R. Simmons, S. B. Swaim, E. V. Sherwin, J. Weare, F. G. Wilder, Ramsey.

5 P. M.--G. W. Bailey, P. C. Brown, C. W. Cate, E. L. Clark, 3rd, H. W. Durant, J. G. Fuller, F. Goodale, G. W. Haigh, F. M. Howes, G. A. Irving, W. H. Keeling, J. W. Maxson, G. McCook, F. W. Sargent, Jr., S. T. Stackpole, G. T. Swartz, R. M. Tappan, A. C. Titcomb, C. O. Wellington, J. West, C. Whitney, W. W. Winship, R. H. Wiswall, R. L. Woodbury.
