

Yale Defeated by a Score of 4 to 3, After Hardest Game on Record.

The University hockey team defeated Yale at the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, on Saturday night by a score of 4 goals to 3, thus winning the intercollegiate championship for the second consecutive year, and gaining permanent possession of the St. Nicholas Cup, and also possession, for one year, of the Stoddard and Ceballos cups. The game was the longest in the history of the association. Two full halves of 20 minutes each were played, then two additional periods of five minutes each; but not until after seven minutes of play in the third extra period did Harvard finally succeed in scoring the winning goal.

Carr, at point, did the best individual work of the game, time and again checking the advance of Yale's fast forwards. Harvard played speedy and aggressive hockey, but Yale's great improvement in team-work over the last game accounted for the closeness of the score.

In the first half Macleod scored for Harvard after five minutes of play and two minutes later Cornell scored for Yale. Behr's shot from the side of the rink put Yale in the lead, but just before the close of the half Souther tied the score on a clever pass from Wilder. In the second half Souther shot a goal after two minutes of play: then with only one minute left to play Behr scored Yale's third goal. No more scoring was done until after seven minutes of play in the third extra period when Clothier made a clean shot into the net, winning the game.

The line-up: HARVARD.  YALE. Macleod, Callaway, f.  f., Behr Townsend, f.  f., Marcus Souther, f.  f., Cornell Wilder, Newhall, f.  f., Rowland, Dillworth Clothier, c.p.  c.p., Ward Carr. p.  p., Flinn Ivy, g.  g., Peverley

Goals for Harvard--Macleod, Souther 2. Clothier. Goals for Yale--Cornell, Behr 2. Referee--B. Phillips of H. C. N. Y.
